Intresting Facts about ur brain

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You have been entrusted with the care and feeding of the most extraordinary and complex creation in the universe. Home to your mind and personality, your brain houses your cherished memories and future hopes. It orchestrates the symphony of consciousness that gives you purpose and passion, motion and emotion.

But what do you really know about it? Here you can get to know your brain – the food it likes, the challenges it craves, the rest it requires, the protection it deserves. Within these pages you will find the fruit of decades of research. Here you can participate in today's neuroscience renaissance, and learn what you can do for your brain.

Interesting facts about your brain and intelligence

* Your brain has about 100 billion neurons. A typical brain cell has from 1,000 to 10,000 connections to other brain cells.

* Studies have shown that children who are breast fed display IQ's up to 10 points higher by the age of three.

* Your brain is full of nerve cells, but it has no pain receptors. Doctors can operate on your brain while you're awake and you won't feel a thing.

* The right side of your brain controls the left side of your body, and the left side of your brain controls the right side of your body.

* Your brain weight accounts for about 2 percent of your body weight. But your brain uses 20 percent of your body's oxygen supply and 20 to 30 percent of your body's energy.

* When you are born, your brain weighs about a pound. But by age 6, it weighs three pounds. What happens? Learning to stand, talk, and walk creates a web of connections in your head—two pounds worth!

* People with lower IQ are at greater risk of being concussed. A Danish study looked at 520 men who had sustained concussion after having their IQs tested by the national draft board. 30.4 percent of the concussed men had had dysfunctional scores. Experts decided lower IQ is a risk factor.

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